Please read the Agreement carefully before using the Site. You agree to all the terms of the Agreement by accessing the Site and using its services.
If you do not agree to the terms of the Agreement, you may not use the Site or use its services.
Any materials and services posted on the Site may not be reproduced in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of the Operator.
When reproducing materials on the Site, including copyrighted works, a link to the Site is mandatory. The text of the link must not contain false, misleading or inaccurate information.
Translation, revision and any changes of materials of the Site, as well as deletion or modification of low-visibility information and information on copyright and right holders are prohibited.
The User undertakes not to take any actions that may be considered as violating the legislation or norms of international law, including in the field of intellectual property, copyright and neighbouring rights.
The User also undertakes not to take any actions that may lead to disruption of the normal operation of the Site and Site services.
By accepting the terms and conditions of the Agreement, the User expresses his/her consent to the processing of his/her personal data, including name, surname, e-mail address and contact telephone number, in order to provide him/her with the Website services, send notifications regarding the Website services, prepare and send responses to the User's requests, carry out regular newsletters and send information about the products and services of the Operator and its partners.
Nothing in the Agreement can be understood as establishment between the User and the Operator of agency relations, partnership relations, relations of partnership, relations of joint activity, relations of personal employment or any other relations not expressly provided for by the Agreement.